
Completely pampered

Vacation with children

In order to ensure a carefree and unforgettable vacation, we offer you numerous amenities and services at the Hannesnhof.

Fresh bread rolls
Morning bread service
Entertainment for children
Children’s playroom, playground, and kids program (depending on the season)
Luggage room
The Hannesnhof is partially handicapped accessible
Parking spaces
for bicycles with e-bike charging station and washing facilities
Free Wi-Fi
Laundry facilities
with washing machine and dryer
Ski storage room
with boot dryer
Charging station
For bicycles and electric cars
Recreation rooms
Recreation room for smokers (outside, but covered)
Recreation room for non-smokers
Reading room
Hypoallergenic beds
Free parking spaces
Ötztal Summer Card

For our smallest guests

Our smallest guests are especially close to our hearts. We know how stressful it can be to travel with small children. To take some of the burden off your shoulders, we have a large array of amenities for children at the Hannesnhof.
Subject to availability, we are happy to provide you with the following (please specify when you are inquiring about availability):

  • Highchair
  • Stokke toddler infant carrier for Stokke highchair
  • Children’s lunge guard
  • Potty
  • Toilet aid
  • Bobby cars, scooters, sledges, bobsleds
  • If you accidentally forgot shoes, bodysuits, jackets, etc. at home, we are happy to help out with used children’s clothing (primarily in the color pink)!