
Imprint & disclosure

Owner & operator of the website:
Familie Egger
Oberried 6, 6444 Längenfeld
+43 664 1111603

Company name: Hannenshof
Managerial responsibility: Johannes Egger
Legal form: Individual company
Place for the trade licence: 6444 Längenfeld
VAT Reg. No.: ATU67588915
Bank account details:
IBAN: AT95 3626 8000 0004 7746
Number of commercial register: (Firmenbuchnummer)
Court of commercial register: (Gerichtsstand)
Chamber affiliation: Wirtschaftskammer
Supervisory authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Imst
Regulation act:


Corporate design & current maintenance:

Werbeagentur Atelier Egger
Kurt Egger GmbH
Postgasse 9
Tirol – Österreich
Tel.: +43 5412 691124


Programming & hosting:

Huber Web Media GmbH
Mils Au 70
6493 Mils
Tyrol – Austria
Tel.: + 43 5418 20877


All contents have been examined carefully, however no guarantee can be made regarding accuracy, completeness, and topicality. Liabilities caused by the use or misuse of the information offered, or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are strictly excluded.

Liability for links:

Our website contains links to external, third-party websites for which our organisation is not responsible. We have no influence on the content of these websites, but the operating companies of these sites are exclusively responsible. No unlawful contents were in evidence at the time the links were created.

Image rights:

The images which appear on this website are protected by copyright and are non-binding. © Huber Web Media, Ötztal Tourismus, Unsplash, Envato Elements – Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Header art images at the apartments:
© MissSusi – Type Art – (Susanne Raich), edited and enhanced with Adobe Photoshop
by Atelier Egger Imst.

Titelbild: © Oetztal Tourismus, Matthias Burtscher
Video & drone recording, video editing on home page: Atelier Egger – Harald Gstrein
House exterior and apartment photos: © Christoph Nösig Photography
Rooster: © Unsplash
Lambs: photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash
Girl in the field: photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash
Living: © Unsplash, cthanos
Croc Meadow: © Oetztal Tourism, Isidor Noesig

Farm experiences:
Story about Wilma & Flori
© Author: Anita Maria bernhART * 6460 Imst – 2022, agm_b78ART

Titelbild, Schafe: Unsplash, Christoph Nösig,
Ziege, Pferd, Hühner: Envato Elements, Mel Burger
Pampered all over
Titelbild: © Oetztal Tourismus, Lukas Ennemoser
Kind am Roller: Envato Elements
Spring fever:
Skitouren: © Oetztal Tourismus, Rudi Wyhldidal
Langlaufen: © Oetztal Tourismus, Federico Modica
Winterwandern: © Oetztal Tourismus, Martin Klotz
Winter wonderland:
Titelbild: © Oetztal Tourismus, Daniel Zangerl
Aqua Dome: © Oetztal Tourismus, Alexander Lohmann
Rodeln: © Oetztal Tourismus, Lukas Ennemoser
Tiefenbachferner: © Oetztal Tourismus, Christoph Noesig
Skifahren: © Oetztal Tourismus, Rudi Wyhlidal
Autumn Sun:
Titelbild: © Oetztal Tourismus, Christian Schneider Hochseilgarten: © Oetztal Tourismus
Radfahren: © Oetztal Tourismus, Lukas Ennemoser
Rafting: © Oetztal Tourismus, J.Klatt AREA 47
Stuibenfall: © Oetztal Tourismus, Ewald Schmid
Wandern: © Oetztal Tourismus, Heinz Zak
Summer breeze:
Titelbild: © Oetztal Tourismus, Johannes Brunner
Area 47: © Oetztal Tourismus, Sam Strauss AREA 47
Baden: © Oetztal Tourismus, Manuel Kottersteger
Klettern: © Oetztal Tourismus, Heinz Zak
Bergsteigen: © Oetztal Tourismus, Satellite Creative House
Ötztal Summer Card: © Oetztal Tourismus, Roman Huber
Cutlure and culinary:
Titelbild: © Oetztal Tourismus, Werner Elmer, 007 Elements
Ötzi-Dorf: © Oetztal Tourismus, Manuel Kottersteger
Ötztal valley:
Titelbild: © Oetztal Tourismus, Christoph Noesig
Sommerfrische: © Oetztal Tourismus, Johannes Brunner
Herbstsonne: © Oetztal Tourismus, Christian
Winterzauber: © Oetztal Tourismus, Daniel Zangerl
Location & directions:
Titelbild: © Oetztal Tourismus, Lukas Ennemoser
Reservation Details:
Titelbild: Envato Elements
We are partners
Titelbild: © Ötzal Tourismus, Aqua Dome
Ötztal Summer Card: © Ötztal Tourismus, Roman Huber
Aqua Dome: © Ötzal Tourismus
Bike Home: © Ötzal Tourismus, Rudi Wyhlidal
Naturpark Ötztal: © Ötzal Tourismus, Ewald Schmid
Rollstuhlfreundlich: Envato Elements


All texts, graphics and images are protected by copyright and may not be used unless prior permission has been obtained from the owner.

Purpose of the website:

This website serves to inform the user about goods and services of our organisation.